The Top 10 Endangered Animals In Pakistan


Pakistan is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna. However, due to various reasons such as habitat loss, poaching, and illegal wildlife trade, many of these species are now classified as endangered. In this blog, we will be discussing the top 10 endangered animals in Pakistan.

 1:Snow Leopard 

The snow leopard is a large cat found in the mountainous regions of Pakistan. The species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and retaliatory killings. There are estimated to be only 200-420 snow leopards left in Pakistan.

 2 :Indus River Dolphin 

The Indus River dolphin is a freshwater dolphin found in the Indus River in Pakistan. The species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing. There are estimated to be only 1,500 Indus River dolphins left in Pakistan.

3 :Markhor 

The markhor is a large species of wild goat found in the mountains of Pakistan. The species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and illegal wildlife trade. There are estimated to be only 2,500-3,500 markhors left in Pakistan.

4 :Green Sea Turtle 

The green sea turtle is a marine turtle found along the coast of Pakistan. The species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing. There are estimated to be only a few hundred green sea turtles left in Pakistan.

5 :Indian Pangolin 

The Indian pangolin is a mammal found in the forests of Pakistan. The species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and illegal wildlife trade. There are estimated to be only a few hundred Indian pangolins left in Pakistan.

6 :Egyptian Vulture 

The Egyptian vulture is a bird of prey found in the mountains of Pakistan. The species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss, pesticide poisoning, and illegal hunting. There are estimated to be only a few hundred Egyptian vultures left in Pakistan.

7 :Smooth-coated Otter 

The smooth-coated otter is a freshwater otter found in the rivers of Pakistan. The species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing. There are estimated to be only a few hundred smooth-coated otters left in Pakistan.

8 :Himalayan Brown Bear 

The Himalayan brown bear is a bear found in the mountains of Pakistan. The species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and illegal wildlife trade. There are estimated to be only a few hundred Himalayan brown bears left in Pakistan.

9 :Houbara Bustard 

The Houbara bustard is a bird found in the deserts of Pakistan. The species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss, poaching, and illegal hunting. There are estimated to be only a few thousand Houbara bustards left in Pakistan.

 10 :Pakistani Sand Cat 

The Pakistani sand cat is a small cat found in the deserts of Pakistan. The species is classified as endangered due to habitat loss and illegal wildlife trade. There is very little information available on the population size of the Pakistani sand cat.

 In conclusion, the endangered animals in Pakistan face many threats, and urgent action is needed to protect them. It is the responsibility of all of us to ensure that these species are not lost forever. We must work together to preserve their habitats and put an end to poaching and illegal wildlife trade.


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